How I work

I work exclusively on behalf of tenants and buyers of commercial properties. Businesses retain me to represent their interests in securing space at the lowest prices and most favorable terms and conditions possible. This process has three important phases, namely:

Phase 1: IDENTIFICATION of all available properties

I begin every assignment by personally conducting a ‘hard target search’ of the marketplace for every space that fits your businesses needs and budget, regardless of which broker advertises or 'lists' them.

During my interviews with landlords and their brokers I identify those buildings with the highest vacancy rates and learn which landlords have the greatest need for tenants.

While this process is time-consuming it is essential preparation to negotiating ‘below market’ deals with the greatest concessions possible.

Phase 2: ELIMINATION of the least desirable spaces

I personally conduct guided tours of the available spaces with my client to ensure they understand the benefits and drawbacks of each property. Afterwards, my clients narrow the field to their 4-6 most viable choices.

Phase 3: NEGOTIATION on the most viable choices

Armed with multiple choices and knowledge of which landlords have the greatest needs, I am now prepared to negotiate the most favorable terms, conditions and concessions possible for my clients.

My clients prioritize their choices and I prepare non-binding Letters of Intent on each which I deliver, in sequence, to the various landlords or their brokers.

Each Letter of Intent contains the rates, terms, conditions and concessions we expect. If we cannot strike a deal in a reasonable period of time with the landlord of Choice #1 we turn our attention to Choice #2, and so on until we have achieved the most favorable deal on the best building.

In effect, I become my clients ‘in-house’ contact for real estate matters, ensuring that their businesses circumstances and strategies remain confidential and they receive every financial consideration they are entitled to.

What’s the cost of this service?

Nada. Zilch. Zero. Nothing. On new leases and purchases I am compensated by sharing commissions received by the various ‘listing’ brokers. If you should represent yourself the entire commission is retained by the ‘listing’ broker (and you do the work!)

So, stick to your core business and rely on me to take the headache out of commercial leasing!

Contact Steve Now

Have Questions About
Commercial Real Estate?

Please contact me to discuss your space requirements and how to lease space or purchase property at the lowest price possible.

I will offer expert opinions on renegotiating your current lease, relocating to another building or buying commercial property.

Contact Steve Now

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